Amantis ancora oggi detiene un primato incredibile: il vigneto più fitto al mondo, con una densità di 20.000 ceppi per ettaro. Si tratta di un numero elevatissimo: considerate che un vigneto contiene mediamente 5.000 viti per ettaro! Lo scopo di quest’audace progetto è quello di......
Amantis’ story has its roots in a family’s love for Tuscany and for wine.
Our journey began with the search for an ideal terroir where we could create wines capable of expressing our passion, our commitment, and our ideals. After years of meticulous research, we discovered a suggestive land in Montenero d’Orcia, a land so intriguing to capture our soul with the beauty of its sceneries and its rich and unexplored potential. It is a territory bounded by the slopes of the extinct volcano of Mount Amiata, the Orcia Valley and the Maremma.
Here was born Amantis, a small universe that accommodates a plurality of vines and allows for varied creative expressions.